And the winner is Cindy! Congrats and I'll be mailing your package on Monday. Thanks to all that stop by and left some lovely comments.
This event is an awesome way to connect with other bloggers from around the world. There is still time to sign up and participate. Click here for more information: One World One Heart .
So let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a crafting domestic goddess, who has 5 adopted children ranging in age from 12 years to 2 years, 4 boys and 1 poor stuck in the middle girl, but don't feel to sorry for her, she knows how to play the daddy's girl card quit well...lol I've been married to my wonderful and supportive husband for almost 25 years (come this September).
I've been paper crafting for several years, started off making cards at a local stamp camp, and have evolved since then. Since my kids are all adopted and most were adopted at an older age, I find that I do a lot of scrapbooking pages for them so when the get old they feel like they have a past. I still make cards, but really enjoy doing collages, ATC, and altering anything I can get my hands on. At this point my kids are afraid to sit still for the fear that I might break the modge podge out to use on them...lol.. I love all things vintage, grunge, steampunk and shabby chic. I'm very "shy" about my art but still try to put it out there for feedback so I can see where I can improve. So that's pretty much me in a nut shell. Thanks for sticking with me.
Now for the goodies (aka: door prize) I've decided to put up a few of the magnetic bottle caps and scrabble tile pendants that I have made. All you need to do it leave me a comment with your email in your comment so I can contact you. Drawing will be held on Feb. 17, 2011. Here they are, I went with a vintage women theme:
Door Prize
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win the door prize.